Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 7

Dear Hermana Lutze,

We pray that all is well with you in your first area of Gomez Palacio and with your new companion Hermana Rubina. We'd love to hear more about your area and your companion?!!! What is your new address? I have people asking. While I'm asking questions... Did they reimburse you for the money you paid for your luggage? Monica Wood-How much does she owe you for the text book? I heard from her via your phone just as you left and haven't heard anything else. I want to touch base with her again.

We missed you during our Thanksgiving festivities. The kids and I went to Heber on Wednesday and spent time with Papa, Stephanie, Marissa, and the little kids. We watched two chick flicks in honor of Grandma and enjoyed the beautiful snow falling outside. We drove back to Lehi on Thanksgiving morning to celebrate with the Russells and Fuhrimans. We ate all the usual turkey, stuffing, potatoes, jello salad, rolls. We ended up with 15 pies and 23 people. Sonia made a key lime pie and it was the favorite. We've met Karen's fiance Joseph. He seems really nice and fits in well with the family. Michelle and Jon stayed in Cleveland but will be out for Christmas. Friday we went to see The Hunger Games (Hannah put it on the list for you :) and then to the Church History Museum. They've redone the exhibit. I was so impressed and wanted to spend more time reading ... We saw the clothes that Hyrum Smith was in when he was murdered plus many other artifacts. That's what I enjoyed the most. We'll have to go when you return home. We then walked Temple Square and enjoyed the lights. IT was COLD! 

Hermana Lutze spend some time this coming week pondering Joshua 1:5-9. The Lord tells Joshua three times to be strong and of a good courage. What is 'good' courage? I felt this on my mission. I knew as I was exactly obedient that I could count on the Lord. He would not fail me nor forsake me. He was with me wherever I went. This didn't mean that it wasn't hard but I had confidence that He was there to strengthen me!

Joshua 3:2-8, 17 This is a story about a middle moment. Middle moments (wilderness moments) are those hard times between the beginning and the end. (We don't always see middle moments in the scriptures)

A few things we can learn...

1 v. 3 They made the decision and went. v.4 We must be in the right place to start-meaning to know the way through the guidance we receive in the temple, from the prophet and apostles, from the Lord
2 v. 5 Sanctify or set apart (meaning give your all-the PERFECT EFFORT you were talking about)
3 v. 5 Tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you... learn to wait in the Lord's way for those wonders to occur (like a waiter in a restaurant-they wait on others and SERVE them while waiting) vs eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die (not serving and thinking only of themselves)
4 v. 7 Prepare us prior to magnifying us (The Lord has been preparing you for your mission. This comes before He magnifies us)
5 v. 8 We must stand still in these middle moments(When we stand still then we can be taught what the Lord wants to teach us.)

v. 17 Stood FIRM on dry ground... This is right after the water receded... We too can stand firm on dry ground when our foundation is on the Rock of our Redeemer

Joshua 4:3-7

I love this story about the 12 stones. The Lord had the children of Israel do this for a sign among them so that when their children in the future saw the stones (large stones carried on their shoulders) they would be able to tell their children of how they crossed the river Jordan on dry ground.

What are your 12 stones this year when you have seen the hand of the Lord? What will you tell your children about those stones?

Hermana Lutze, we can do hard things and Christ will come again. How will you do things differently today because of this knowledge?

The Lord is aware of you and He knows your possibilities.

I love you and pray for your growth and success!



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