Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 68

Querida Hermana Lutze,

Two things- I need your essays TODAY. This is due Wednesday for scholarships next year and two have you heard anything about your ecclesiastical endorsement from the office?

Life here has been absolutely crazy! I think we have a black cloud hanging out over the house. Sunday we were in the ED with Hannah because of the terrible headaches she's been having... come to find out she has a huge sinus infection with no outward symptoms. We're trying to find out the right class load for her right now with all of these health issues. I have appts with a BYU MD next week, ENT, and a neuropsychologist. I really think she's suffering from post concussive syndrome. Despite the difficulties, prayers have been answered and I've felt very guided in who I talk to and the answers I receive. We'll get there.

Natalie got her Driver's license on Monday. Yikes! It's been a huge blessing this week as I've had other things to deal with to have her drive to volunteering and take Jakob to a few of his things. :) She loves the independence.

Jakob's been busy with training and helping at the new Space Center at Renaissance. He also took a reffing class this week. It's about 12 hours worth of work but he can now ref 9th grade and below and get paid some pretty decent money so he can start saving for his mission. He also had a BB game. They lost in OT. It was an awesome game. He scored 6-8 points and played a great defensive game. 

Dad went to listen and participate with the Millennial Choir on Thursday. He came away impressed. He said the conductor was really good, the music different, and the singers talented. He tries out next week. I'm excited for him.

I've been the doctor of death this week... the dishwasher died, my computer, and I got food poisoning Wednesday. I puked all night long-remembering my food poisoning in California! Dad gave me a blessing towards the morning. In it he told me I would not puke anymore and I would be able to rest. I had faith that this was true. Dad said it so powerfully that I actually opened my eyes during the blessing and looked around. He told me later that he felt the same way and felt like he could leave me to go to work. I was able to sleep the rest of the day in between making phone calls to help Hannah. The Lord likes to teach me before and even sometimes after I talk on certain subjects. He's been teaching me about "acting in faith" both before and after our Stake Women's conference.

We attended a Vocal Point concert last night. They are amazing! The beat boxer was incredible! They sang two songs that really touched me because of the events this week. They talked about how we are never alone and then sang "Nearer My God to Thee!" Even though things have been very difficult, I testify that if we will not harden our hearts and come to Him we will feel closer to Him through our trials. I know this to be true now and through past experiences. They also sang "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy" 335 and talked about how we can be that light for others. I hope you know the words to this hymn. We sang it this summer while in Washington and it really stood out to me because all of the lighthouses we had seen. We truly can be a lighthouse for others during their darkest hours. 

1. Brightly beams our Father’s mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
2. Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.
3. Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.
Text and music: Philip Paul Bliss, 1838-1876
We love you and hope this finds you well and happy! I have no doubts that you will work diligently to the end! 



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