Querida Hermana Lutze,
I don't know about you but this month of February has flown by... Yikes! We enjoyed our weekend with the Weights even though the weather was rainy and cold. :( I worked Tuesday-Thursday at work. Friday I plowed through our taxes. They are close to being done now. We went to see a movie on Saturday - Moana! Loved it! I love the message of the film. We must believe in ourselves and the difference we can make. Friday was an amazing day of tender mercies. I met up with one of companions from my mission for lunch. We visited for over 2 hours! I love Krisse. That evening I attended the viewing for Suzanne Hyte (my MTC companion's sister) who passed away on our unit last Thursday. It's such a small world. It was so good to see Alisa again. She served in Argentina as well - just a different mission. And then that night I attended the temple with your Dad and the name I was given was from Argentina. I've never had a name to do from Argentina in all the years since I've been home from my mission. I felt like the Lord was reminding me of the service I gave all those years ago to the people of Argentina. It was really special to do the work for her - Maria de Rosario Lynch Zavaleta.
Our Ward Conferences started today. I love the topic this year. We are speaking about Joy and Spiritual Survival (President Nelson's talk last October). President Lyman talked about a few things I wanted to share with you.
Be Intentional (focus on Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation)
Do everything in your power to have the spirit with you - scripture study, prayer, temple attendance, keeping the Sabbath Day holy
Avoid anything that impedes joy
Sister Dalton spoke of how when she was the General YWs president that she basically avoided the things of the world during that time so she would have the spirit with her
Be like Lamoni's father who said that he would give away all that he has to know Him
Look for joy daily
When we are looking for it we will notice it more readily...
Then in RS he taught about choice
2 Nephi 2:16, 2:26 and 10:23 We are free to choose
He emphasized the importance of upgrading our spirituality in three areas Forgiveness, Focus and Faith
Forgiveness-We must choose to be like Pahoran when he wrote to Moroni and said "It mattereth not!"
Focus-What do we spend our time focusing on? Good, better, and best
Faith-Be true to the faith we already have and build upon it
We can choose to focus on Christ and find joy. The Lord needs us to upgrade in all of these areas so we can help Him in the work.
Have a great week!
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