Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 33 (Orgullo y Chismes)

Dear family and friends,

Wow, can I just say how blazing hot it is here!! It has been high 80s low 90s this whole week and it's just going to get hotter......:). Let's just say there is a lot of sweating and sun tanning here. However it is so funny! Everyone here wants to be whiter and everyone at home wants to be tanner. So backwards. I have to say that I am going to return home a morenita and no longer a guerita ;). The sun is so strong here. It actually burns your skin within minutes. I am so grateful that they now let us wear sombreros because it is literally saving me from skin cancer on my face. I really, really hope the rain starts soon.

Well my week:

Monday:  We went to Centro to buy hats to protect us from the sun. We also went to the Museum again for Hermana Lopez. It wasn't quite as exciting as the first time but still good. The Alacranes (scorpions) are still awesome!! But now we can see that they are actually eating one another and tearing one another apart. That's nice. We found our awesome hats and some other stuff ;) You can never go shopping for just one thing!

Tuesday: Well today all of our baptismal dates fell. Baltazar, is now not sure because of his health. Carlos wants to return to Salvador and he says he will probably get baptized there. And Ignacio, well let's just say, first we have to help him overcome his past. But yah, it was a sad day. This area, I don't know why, but the baptismal dates never seem to stick. Something always seems to happen. Satan is really attacking.

Wednesday: We taught Monserat and she accepted a baptismal date!! She is amazing!! She loves the Book of Mormon and reads it every day and finds comfort and guidance in it. She also wants her husband to be baptized! I hope the whole family can be baptized!!

Thursday: We attended an awesome Capactitacion con Presidente! He talked about the Apostasy and Restoration. We also officially dropped Margarita. Really sad but true. However our last lesson was amazing. I bore my testimony to her of the truth of the church and I could literally feel the power and authority of God emanating in my testimony. I could see in her face that she could feel it was true and that my words were true. but she wouldn't accept it. It's sad but this happens often. All we can do is bear bold testimony of the truth and leave them to ponder on our words and hope that something happens in their lives that will help turn them to the gospel. 

Friday: Nothing really happened.

Sabado: Normal day as well. I need to write more details of my day down in my notebook I think.

Sunday: What a crazy day to try and get our investigators to a different capilla (chapel) because it was Stake Conference. We spent 150 pesos in taxis! Crazy! But we made it. Also, we ate with a member of the Stake High Council and we taught his wife who is not a member. It was moving to see his worry for his wife and his family. He knows that this is the truth and he knows what will happen to his family if they don't join. To all the part member families, don't lose hope, don't back down. Keep trying to help your family to see the truth, to understand things from an eternal perspective. It is hard and will be a long process, but it will all be worth it to have your family united in the end.

This week I have been thinking about orgullo y chismes (pride and gossip). We have been learning about this recently in our Capacitaciones and we have found that in all parts of life problems start with pride and gossip. Really our pride is the root of all problems. When we have pride we don't listen to others, we can't take constructive criticism, we can never be wrong, and we only do things for ourselves. There are endless problems. However, if we could take away our pride there would literally be no problems. If we could put into practice more charity and less pride, everything would be so much better in our lives and for everyone else as well. We need to exercise this attribute and do what it says in Moroni 7:45. We can't be envious or puffed up. We can't see our own or be easily provoked. We need to have pure thoughts, rejoice in the Lord and in others. The more we forget ourselves, the more we don't think about our own gain or needs the more we will be filled with this charity. Pride makes the small things bigger than they really are and destroys relationships and happiness. Charity is what endureth all things. Charity is what we need if we want to live with our Heavenly Father again. I urge you to pray with all the energy of your heart for charity. Ponder what it means to pray with ALL THE ENERGY OF YOUR HEART. That is different than a normal prayer. We have to really want it and be willing to sacrifice to make it a part of us. Changing our character is not easy, it takes constant, consistent energy, but it is possible and it will be well with him who is found possessed of charity in the last days. These are the last days, we need to start now to be free of pride and filled with charity.

45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity,ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must  fail—

47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen

Well I love you all!! I hope you have a wonderful week! And instead of taking offense, reach out in love. Look for those in your ward who suffer from pride and help them. Look for the victims of pride and help and uplift them. You all have the power to lift up the hands that hang down. It just depends on you to take action. Do what the Savior expects of you in your life and gain this great gift of charity!! Love you all!

Hermana Lutze

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 33

Querida Hermana Lutze,

We love you and we are so grateful for your example to us! This week has been so SLOW! Just kidding, I don't think life will ever be slow. I'll probably be going a hundred miles an hour and step right into my grave. :) I worked 40+ hours, part of our new cabinets are now installed, and Hannah graduated. Hannah had her interview with Curt and Anita on Tuesday. It went well. Hopefully, she will have another job by the end of this week. Graduation day was exciting for Hannah and Joshua. It was fun to get some pictures of them together. We had a dinner afterwards at the Millers. We ate Fred specials with salad, fruit, and chips. Michele and I, without talking to each other, both made Skor Bar cakes. They were delicious! Hannah went to Senior Night until 4 am. She said she had a great time.

Sacrament meeting was really good today! We had three great speakers. They all spoke on trials. Erica talked about how she punches her trials with the word PUNCH standing for Prayer, Understand, Never give up, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I thought that was a great acronym to use when working through our trials. Pam spoke about the power of prayer and miracles. She shared an incredible story about losing a ring and how she had looked everywhere and prayed for six months to find it. Just before moving her daughter said a prayer with her. Right after the prayer, they opened the closet and there it was... Sometimes we don't need our faith increased but someone else does... in this case her daughter. The final speaker, Aaron, talked about a cowboy that when his boss gave him a job he would say to him, "Drop and do" meaning I will drop and do whatever you ask of me. We should be this way with our Heavenly Father as well. We should drop and do whatever and whenever He asks it of us. Aaron also related to us how he sometimes wants the easy country cottage but the Lord has a mansion in store for us. However, in order to get the mansion we should expect to be involved with some remodeling-molding and shaping and that it will be painful at times. How can we expect to be among the noble and great if we are not willing to be molded and shaped? Finally, he spoke about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It is so extremely important to develop this skill and the best place to do that is on your mission. The Lord is always speaking to us but we often don't recognize it or slow down enough to listen. We must be still to know that He is God! He spoke of his ancestor that met an Indian that wanted to kill him. This ancestor, James Bevan, felt prompted to offer the Indian food. They became life long friends. What would have happened if he hadn't learned how to listen to the spirit or recognize the promptings when they came?

Love you!


Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 32 (Oh the Joy of Repentance!)

Dear family and friends,

Well, la verdad, I don't really know what has happened this week. Not much. Just the usual! Right now we are working really hard to baptize Carlos and Ignacio. Their dates are so close!! And to be honest, we really need a baptism in this ward! 8 months! That is a long time for missions in Mexico. But don't worry, Hermana Lopez and I are here to break the curse! Woo hoo! Let's see, well every day is blazing hot now. We just received authorization yesterday to wear hats, so that will be a life saver! Baltazar returned from the hospital and now really wants to be baptized so he has a date as well.

Monday: I have a new companion. Hermana Lopez! Now, I haven't had a P-day for the past four weeks and the clothes are starting to pile up.

Tuesday: We found Baltazar at home and set a baptismal date!

Wednesday: Normal

Thursday: Normal

Friday: We talked with Monse and found that she had read about 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon!! Wow!! She definitely has real potential to progress!!

Saturday: We had an awesome ward activity for Mother's day!! We ate amazing food-potatoes covered in a cream sauce with chicken in a Chipotle sauce!! We couldn't stay the whole time, but it was a nice activity.

Sunday: Normal

Well, my favorite part of the week was when we helped our investigators feel the joy of repentance. They are going through problems including a trial that is hard to overcome. But, in talking with them and making plans to overcome their sin, they changed. Just by talking and planning their weight was lifted and they felt as if their whole world changed. They felt like they could just fly into the air. The change in this investigator was amazing! He was literally the happiest man on the planet and skipped his way to work. He even called that night to tell us that he was still so happy. This made me think more about how happy  we could all be if we would just be humble and repent. I have learned that when God commanded that we repent, He didn't command it just because it's what He wants us to do. He commanded us because He knows the load that will build up in our lives if we don't repent. He knows that our self esteem will die down until it is nothing. He knows that we will depreciate ourselves until we think it doesn't matter what we do here in this life because there is nothing left. When we sin, it isn't like we just chip off a piece of our life or our soul. What really happens is that when we sin it chips off that piece and then it erodes away our lives. For example, if a spider bites, it is just that one time. But if a parasite attaches to our body it sucks the life out of us. Sin is like a parasite that sucks all the happiness, joy and life out of us. Without the Savior we are literally doomed because these things will eat away at us until there is nothing left. But with the Atonement and repentance we can get rid of the parasites and even the deepest cracks can be healed. It's amazing that we have the opportunity to repent-to be clean, to heal. It is truly a miracle that we have the capability to come back from such dark places into the light. We only have to be willing to change and to let the light of Christ shine more fully in our lives, to take out the darkness, and fill in the cracks of our lives. Each and every one of us has sin. In fact, it is a sin to say you have no sin. Therefore, each one of us has to look for our faults, errors, weaknesses-anything that makes us less like God. We must work on changing and removing these things. Everyday we need the habit of repentance. We need to be humble enough to repent of the small things and to accept the advice of the Lord on how we can be better. When we do this, we will find a new sense of joy in our lives for repenting daily. We will be filled with more light and see things in a different perspective! Repentance is basically the universal Band-aid! ;) 

Well, I encourage all of you to try to repent daily. Examine your life and look to see what you lack. Don't stop trying to be better and to be more like the Savior. He gave us repentance to use in our lives daily. He already suffered our sins. It is a free gift just waiting for us to open it. Be more pure, more sure, more prompt to take this cure. 

Love you all!!

Hermana Lutze

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 32

Querida Hermana Lutze,

We love you and we are so grateful for your example to us! This week has been so SLOW! Just kidding, I don't think life will ever be slow. I'll probably be going a hundred miles an hour and step right into my grave. :) I worked 40+ hours, part of our new cabinets are now installed, and Hannah graduated. Hannah had her interview with Curt and Anita on Tuesday. It went well. Hopefully, she will have another job by the end of this week. Graduation day was exciting for Hannah and Joshua. It was fun to get some pictures of them together. We had a dinner afterwards at the Millers. We ate Fred specials with salad, fruit, and chips. Michele and I, without talking to each other, both made Skor Bar cakes. They were delicious! Hannah went to Senior Night until 4 am. She said she had a great time.

Sacrament meeting was really good today! We had three great speakers. They all spoke on trials. Erica talked about how she punches her trials with the word PUNCH standing for Prayer, Understand, Never give up, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I thought that was a great acronym to use when working through our trials. Pam spoke about the power of prayer and miracles. She shared an incredible story about losing a ring and how she had looked everywhere and prayed for six months to find it. Just before moving her daughter said a prayer with her. Right after the prayer, they opened the closet and there it was... Sometimes we don't need our faith increased but someone else does... in this case her daughter. The final speaker, Aaron, talked about a cowboy that when his boss gave him a job he would say to him, "Drop and do" meaning I will drop and do whatever you ask of me. We should be this way with our Heavenly Father as well. We should drop and do whatever and whenever He asks it of us. Aaron also related to us how he sometimes wants the easy country cottage but the Lord has a mansion in store for us. However, in order to get the mansion we should expect to be involved with some remodeling-molding and shaping and that it will be painful at times. How can we expect to be among the noble and great if we are not willing to be molded and shaped? Finally, he spoke about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It is so extremely important to develop this skill and the best place to do that is on your mission. The Lord is always speaking to us but we often don't recognize it or slow down enough to listen. We must be still to know that He is God! He spoke of his ancestor that met an Indian that wanted to kill him. This ancestor, James Bevan, felt prompted to offer the Indian food. They became life long friends. What would have happened if he hadn't learned how to listen to the spirit or recognize the promptings when they came?

Love you!


Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 31 (Sorry, I Didn't Look for the Lost Sheep!?)

Dear family and friends,

Well, not much has happened. Hermana Valle and I are trying to sort through the people to find those that really want the Gospel. It is kind of hard because there is so much deception. However, I am confident that pretty soon we will find the gold mine!

I already told you about Monday and how awesome Tuesday was!

Wednesday: We taught a man from Salvador who has the potential to be baptized!! I think that we will get him to accept a baptismal date soon! If so, he can be baptized on the 4th of June!! Yay! We also talked with Karina and her "paraja." She is so great and has the desire to know more about the gospel, however, her "paraja" doesn't want to get married!? And they have 8 years together? I don't think anything is going to change from a piece of paper. But who knows, paper is important to some people.

Thursday: Today was glorious because it rained! It rained a big beautiful, refreshing rain! We also found a new investigator who has some real potential! When we taught her about the Book of Mormon she said "Wow, I think I am missing a book like that in my life. do you sell them? How can I get one?"......Us......."Here Hermana! It's Free! Take it!!!! I hope she will progress.

Friday: Rained again!! Yay! I'm so excited for the rainy season to start in June!! Needless to say, it is really hot here. People say Utah is a desert. It's not. Here is a desert. Never been so hot (without exercise) in my life! We encountered another woman and her family and they also have amazing potential!! So excited!! I hope all of these people can progress and we can finally have baptisms in this area after 8 months!!

Saturday: We taught Hermano Ignacia who has a baptismal date for the 11th of June. We are going to work so hard so this date won't fall. I have to say that our investigators are breaking my heart this week. They keep avoiding us and running away. Margarita and her boys saw us and walked the other way and when we called out to them, they walked even faster. It breaks my heart, but I hope one day they will join the church.

Sunday: Ate the most amazing tacos today!!! Tacos Sudados!! You put them in a plastic bag so they sweat! They have the most amazing flavor! And then Hermana Elvira also made a 3 Chile Salsa!! It was spicy but so good! I need to make all this food when I get home!

Monday: Well, I got a new companion today! Hermana Lopez. I have now had 2 areas and 6 companions in 7 months!! Crazy!! Who knows what is going on, but if it works, it's fine by me!

Also, our crazy neighbor told me that I'm looking darker and that I need to shield myself from the sun or I will return home a Mexican ;) This man is crazy and so funny! The truth, yes, I am darker, but I'm not sure my skin can be that dark without it being cancer ;)

This week I have learned some things about diligence. I have learned that it doesn't matter what our companion does or the members or leaders do. We always need to do what is right. We always need to do what is expected of us. If people don't greet us at church, or give us a smile, or the Bishop doesn't say "Hi" or something like that, we still have to go to church. If you saw one of your leaders not living their life perfectly, it doesn't mean you get to judge and decide not to go to church. We need to remember that the gospel, the church and its organization are PERFECT. The only imperfect things here are us. We have to remember that our leaders are not perfect. They were not called because they are more perfect, they were called because God knows their potential and knows what they have to offer. We have to remember that their weakness may be our strength and we can not make the small things bigger than they really are. Life is hard enough! We don't need excuses to make it harder! If someone didn't say "Hi", well they probably didn't see you or they were lost in their own thoughts. We can't afford to take offense at the small things. We have to do all things possible to stay active and activate all the less actives! Our time is so so short and the coming of Jesus Christ is so so so so close! We need to work harder than ever to help everyone come unto Christ and STAY with Christ! We don't have time to let go and we can't be prideful and say that was their choice. We need to look for the lost sheep! The Lord loves each of us and has given us (the members) many sheep to look after. If we lose them, how will we face Jesus Christ and tell him that we are sorry that we didn't go looking for them and we just left them to fend for themselves. I don't think I could even look Jesus Christ in the face. We all need to be continually going to the rescue and PREVENTING anyone from wandering. Prevention is ALWAYS the best method because once they leave it is so very hard to get them back.

Well, I love you all! Please look for the lost sheep in your wards, families, friends, acquaintances and those around you. They all need your help.

Love you!

Hermana Lutze

P.S. We found another scorpion in the house but this one was pregnant. Of course my companion had to squish it, so its poor baby popped out!! Gross!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 31

Querida Hermana Lutze,

Vida aqui todavia esta muy loco! Work is beginning to move into a slightly more controlled pace. However, there's lots of craziness at the house to make up for it. Dad continues to work on the wall to get it ready for the new cabinet. Hopefully, it will be done in the next two weeks. I bought plane tickets for Dad and myself to be at Karen's wedding at the end of June. Karen and Joseph seem like they will be a great couple! Brent was called to be a high councilman today. I told him, "You know you're being prepped to be the next Bishop." :)

Seminary graduation is today for Hannah and Natalie. Hannah is singing in the choir. We went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate her birthday and she rode the saddle! I took her out on Friday to Molly's for lunch. Delicious! We'll have to go there when you return! She had her friends over on Saturday night for dinner and a movie. They were loud and having fun until around midnight. The kids all went to the Bishop's Reward for the challenge this year. They loved staying at the Silver Crest lodge in Lamb's Canyon and then played Get Out Games the next day. I'm sure they will write you about it. Natalie was recognized for being on the high honor roll on Thursday. Jakob played his last two soccer games of the season this week. He starts tryouts next week.

I've been reading in Mormon this week and I love his plainness. Mormon 9:8 "Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things (revelations and gifts of the spirit) knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them." Then in v. 20 "And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust." v 27 "Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him. Be wise in the days of your probation..."

Hermana Lutze we must come to know Him and they way we know Him as you have discovered is by reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, attending our meetings, and serving others. We are wise when we do these things. We are one of the five wise virgins putting oil in our lamps.

We must always be wise... good, better, best... Hermana Lutze you have chosen the best part in serving a mission for the Lord.

We love you and pray for you always!



Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Week 30 (Fight for Your Family)

Dear family and friends,

Well, I feel like I don't have anything to say because I just talked with my family on Sunday.

But here goes, 

Monday: Hermana Valle arrived and Hermana Martinez left. I've now had 2 areas and 5 companions! That has to  be a record of some sort. They also divided our district so we are not all together. Sad, but it will still be good. There will still be good times.

Tuesday: Well, it was a normal day of teaching and contacting while sweating and frying my skin in the sun. Seriously, the sun here burns like no other! You don't need an oven! You just need one of those cardboard ovens that we made in 2nd grade! Maybe I can make one here and actually bake (We don't have an oven).

Wednesday: May the "force" (4th) be with you today;). It sure was with us! We encountered a married couple. They were marvelous! I hope that we can find them again and teach them so their family can be eternal! That is what we want for all but sometimes it sure is hard to get them to actually act and work for this goal.

Today was also sad. We went to see Baltazar (our investigator who was almost baptized) and we found out that he started having some major health problems and they had to take him to the hospital. We don't know if he is going to make it out. I think secretly we knew this was going to happen because H. Santiesteban and I felt like we needed to try to baptize him as soon as possible because he didn't have much time left. Later in the week H. Martinez felt like we needed to go visit him and well.....it has all come true. I hope he makes it through so we can finally baptize him. He's a good soul, just stubborn as a mule at times ;)

Thursday:  Not much happened. However, we did go to see Margarita again today. While we were there she went to talk to someone at the gate for a minute, so we talked with her son Jose Luis. We learned that he believes in the church, in what we teach, in the Book of Mormon, and that he can feel the spirit in the church! We were blown away! This boy is 10 years old and he can already see the truth and feel the spirit! Now we just need his mom to receive her answer!!

Friday: I don't remember what happened but I'm sure it was a great day!

Saturday: Also, a good day. We talked with a recent convert today. She is so amazing to me. She is going through so many problems and trials that I don't even know if I could bear those things. Her faith is so firm and her relationship with God is so strong. There are so many incredible examples for me here. I can only hope one day to share their attributes.

Sunday: We made Mother's Day cards for all of the Hermanas! They loved it! We made them cry a little.  There were also 2 people that just showed up for sacrament meeting. They were passing by and they decided to just enter and now want to learn more. Wow! We need more investigators like that! ;) If they are not chosen, then I honestly don't know who is. I sure hope we have a baptism soon!!

The highlight of my day was when I got to talk with my family! It was so great to actually see their faces and hear their voices! I love them so much!

I want to wish my mother a very happy Mother's Day. I hope she knows how invaluable she has been in my life. I hope she knows that without her I would not be the woman I am today. Without her diligence, discipline and love I could be a very different person. I am grateful she made us all take piano, a language, do our homework and our Personal Progress. Even though at times, I didn't like it, she was persistent and consistent and now all these things she has done have truly blessed my life and shaped me. Sometimes mothers think that they shouldn't be so strict-such as strict rules or expectations. But I want to testify to you all that when our parents set the expectations and the rules it actually opens all the doors of opportunity for us. It helps us reach higher and to be better-to truly reach our potential. As children we have the potential to be whatever our mothers want and expect us to be. We can be molded and shaped and that is what makes mothers so important. You are literally the "Potters of God." You are the ones shaping the clay. God can help you have the vision of what it should be, but you are the ones that actually do the shaping. Your role is so crucial to eternity. You have a sacred calling to create. Never forget that and always cherish and respect this opportunity you have. Make a masterpiece. Make something that will inspire and affect the lives of others for generations to come. You can literally shape our eternities. Thank you for all you do mom and for continuing to be a mom to us and to all those around you. There are many more people who need you in their lives. Love you!

Monday: We had Capacitacion de Zona. I learned many great things about the Apostasy. There was lots of laughing. We did an object lesson using the Telephone game. The phrase started as "Elder Gomez is a great missionary and he really likes to eat cereal" and ended in "The missionaries are a really great Mafia." I'm not sure how that changed so dramatically! I never knew that we were part of a Mormon Mafia but come to think of it, the Mission is like a Mafia, except that we are sharing the gospel for free and only during the day time. ;) I've always wanted to be in the Mafia ;).

Tuesday: We had an awesome activity today! Our Zone completed the goals for baptisms so we had a special actividad! We went to the zoo in Parque Guardiana and then to El Pueblito (Yes that is its name). The zoo was hilarious because all their "exotic" animals are animals that run wild at home!! I was dying! There were deer, elk, goats and bison! But it was fun seeing animals from home.  Then we went to beautiful El Pueblito! So much greener! We played volleyball and ate lots of Carne Asada, sausages, quesadillas, and tortillas! So good! Such a fun day to hang out with the Hermanas and Elders! I seriously hope we can all be friends because they are hilarious!!  It was a long, fun day! I hope we can complete the goal again!!

Well, I was thinking about my family and reaching our full potential again. Something I have begun to realize more and more is that our potential really depends a great deal on our family. Families set goals, help us be better, reach higher, and support one another through the thick and thin. Our family teaches us and gives us experiences that we can only have in families. Really, if we were all born from test tubes and lived alone we wouldn't learn anything. We would just avoid one another and not learn to truly love and serve one another. In families, we learn to live with people that aren't perfect, that are different, and to love them unconditionally. There are a million things that we learn from  our family and we really need them to reach our full potential. Now, our family will NEVER be perfect, however, it CAN endure to the end together. We can fight and use every bit of our energy so that we can be an eternal family and truly reach our true potential as an eternal family. This is my invitation today-fight for your family, never give up on them, work together to reach your full potential.

Love you all! Hope you have a wonderful week with your family!

Hermana Lutze

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 30

Querida Hermana Lutze,

It was so AWESOME to talk with you yesterday. You look and sound great! We do miss you but don't say it often because we don't want you to be sad! Keep working hard! I'm sure Zone Conference today was increible! Como siempre, no?

I continue working hard with this transition to i-Centra. I did clean my office today. I threw away a huge, gigantic bag of trash. Hannah inspired me with her Mother's Day gift of a picture frame. She chose the picture of the three of you sitting with me on the bench. I love it. I took it to my office today and decided to clean!

I've been attending the temple weekly pretty consistently and I love it. I made it a goal last year when President Christofferson set me apart and told me that the temple would play an important part in my calling.

The kids are all wrapping up school for the year. I cannot believe summer break will be here in 3 weeks. Hannah has decided to have some friends over for her birthday and we will do something with the Millers for graduation. We'll celebrate with a couple of different family dinners as well. She's really excited to finally turn 18. 

Natalie just got her book to take the test for her driver's permit. Yikes!!! Can you believe she'll have her license when you return? That's provided she finishes Personal Progress. She's so stubborn when it comes to Personal Progress. Grrr!

Jakob will be trying out for other soccer teams this year. We shall see what happens especially with the change in the brackets. 

Dad's tearing the house apart faster than I can put it back together. He has the wall all torn up in the family room. Hopefully by the end of the month it will be back together and look really nice with the new cabinet.

We talked about missionary work in our RS lesson on Sunday. I love this quote from President George Albert Smith to investigators:

"We have come not to take away from you the truth and virtue you possess. We have come not to find fault with you nor to criticize you... Keep all the good that you have , and let us bring to you more good, in order that you may be happier and in order that you may be prepared to enter in to the presence of our Heavenly Father."

President Howard W. Hunter said, "A great indicator of one's personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others.... The call to share the gospel with others represents our great love for our Heavenly Father's children as well as for the Savior and what he did for us." 

He ends by talking about the 'walls' that hold us back from serving a mission-the comfort wall, the financial wall, grandchildren wall, health wall, fear, doubt, or complacency... Does anyone really doubt for a minute that with the help of the Lord he or she could bring those walls crashing down?"

What walls did you bring crashing down with his help to serve your mission?

I love you!



Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 29 (The Best Surprise Ever!)

Dear family and friends,

Well, I'm not even sure what has happened this week. Life is seriously like a blur. Everyday is practically the same but entirely different all at the same time!! So strange, but I am trying to enjoy my mission and the time that I have here :)

Monday: We had Cambios de Emergencia. So Hermana Santiesteban furiously packed up her things and went to the Ward Aeropuerto. I have never seen a change happen so fast!! The rest of the day was normal. We went to District Meeting and it was a blast! We had a fun practice where we taught our "investigator" but used words that only members know like "agency" and tried to totally confuse them! It was hilarious! We couldn't help but laugh the whole time! It really helped us realize that we need to clearly explain the gospel to others.

Tuesday: Not much happened today. We did have some amazing lessons though. I hope that one day I can be a powerful teacher who teaches by the spirit. That is my goal.

Wednesday: Today we had the best surprise ever! Tuesday, Hermana Pasillas accompanied us on our visits and we talked with one of our investigators who works in Monchys (a cake store) about how much it would cost to buy a cake that is purely chocolate-the cake and the frosting. (These cakes are hard to come by here in Mexico.) Then today, Wednesday, we went to La Comida with Hermana Pasillas and she totally surprised us when she brought out a chocolate cake from Monchys and ice cream (Neapolitano of course)!!!! It was the best surprise ever!! I seriously almost cried I was so touched and happy!!! We ate as much as possible!! So delicious! Today, we also encountered two lovely old ladies who want to be baptized! Woohoo! I'm not sure if they actually have a real desire or if they just said "yes" to everything, but that's OK, we'll take it :). Mexican Grandmas are the best ;) My Mexican abuelita would know!

Thursday:  We had the best conversation I have ever had with a Testigo de Jehovah. We actually talked and she didn't contend!! It was a miracle! Our biggest disagreement was with blood donation. But we can work with that! ;) I hope that we can explain things and help her understand and see the truth. She has potential. We also went to see a young couple who also has potential to be baptized. What we lack is for them to get married. But tonight, I was able to help them with some small medical problems and this really increased the confidence of the Mamá in us. This made me realize that we all have talents and need to use them to help others and in turn help them accept the restored gospel.

Friday: A normal day-not much happened today.

Saturday: Another normal day. 

Sunday: We had a great time with  Hermana Lupe. She is an investigator and fears that her family will abandon her when she joins the church. She has a "testimonio" of the gospel because she has seen the change in her neighbor. She has seen the gospel change and save lives. It amazes me the courage these investigators must possess to make these huge changes in their lives to truly follow Jesus Christ. Really we need to be more like them in our lives. We should not ask what the church can do for us, but rather what we can do for the church-what we can do for our Savior Jesus Christ and then we will become truly converted.

I also ate my first "Nopal" today. "Nopal" is a thin circular cacti. It was actually very good! The cacti was kind of like a cucumber and then it was cooked in egg. It was DELICIOUS! The food here is seriously amazing!

I have been pondering about reaching our full potential this week. I don't have the full answer yet, but I do have bits and pieces. First of all, I think it begins with our relationship with our Heavenly Father. We need to be close to Him. We need an open relationship so that we can receive revelation as to what we can do better. how we can change and be the best we can be. In order to have this open relationship, we have to pray, read the scriptures and be obedient (show our love for Him). Secondly, we must be willing and ready to accept His counsel and change. If we really don't have the desire to change anything, we will not receive anything. We have to be willing to accept whatever it is and then get to work. We must make goals, start acting and change. There is no day like today. Really it is a constant effort. Every day we have to do uplifting things. We have to choose between what is good, better and best. If we want to be the best we have to do the best. Now I'm not saying this is easy, but I do know that we can find so much joy in doing what is best. But it takes lots of discipline and love for Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. He loves us unconditionally and knows we can be the best. With his help and love we can  strive to always do the best and work on reaching our full potential. I'm pretty sure we won't reach our FULL potential here on earth, but I do know that we can strive to be the best we can be here-that we can become marvelous people that have the power to do anything! I hope that we can all strive to reach our full potential!

Hope you are all growing and glowing in happiness!!

Love you all!

Hermana Lutze

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 29

Querida Hermana Lutze,

We had another incredible Stake Conference this weekend. I would just think that is the best talk and then the next one would be even better. It was amazing. Friday night the topic was our covenants that we make and Sunday was on a variety of subjects. Elder and Sister Ence from Brent and Amy's ward came and he presided over the meetings. We served them, the Stake Presidency, the Bishops and their wives dinner on Saturday evening. 

Covenants We keep our covenants according to where we have set our hearts. In Emily's class this week we discussed Ezekiel 47:3-5. I love these verses that talk about the water issuing forth from the temple and healing everything it touches. We gain more and more power through the priesthood as symbolized in these verses with the height of the water as it flows from the temple! Remember the power you felt as you were in the temple! The temple brings us love, knowledge, and light in abundance.

Perfect vs. Worthy It's not about being perfect in this life but being worthy! Elder Ence talked about a pasture he was tilling and how he kept digging up all these rocks. He compared this to our lives and how we should be constantly throwing the rocks out of our lives. He emphasized the importance of being strong in the gospel and everything else will take care of itself.

Service  Is our service good, better, or best? Our salvation depends on the level of our compassion. President Lyman said to ask ourselves, "Have I done what I could? Do I make space and time for others?" When we are serving others we should study out what we should do, pray for revelation on the subject, and then show up and do! He said, "Perfect courage is to do acts of kindness that are unwitnessed."

Conversion This is a change in our very nature. We cannot lift others if we are not on higher ground.

Trials 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight"

Sacrament When we partake of the sacrament He wants us to write His name in our hearts. Is the sacrament a Passover for you? He offers us tender mercies through the sacrament. When we partake of the bread and water it is symbolic that we are making Him a part of ourselves. When the veil (table cloth) is lifted off the bread and water it is an invitation to commune with God. The bread is broken. It is symbolic that we can be healed too when we are broken. The priest prays for us and the deacon extends the arm of mercy to us as he offers us the bread and water. The first prayer we covenant that we are willing and the second prayer we covenant that we do it. The sacrament is so beautiful and we take it for granted most of the time. Do we truly give it the time and attention that it deserves?

Living Water D&C 1:30 "And also those to whom these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased..." We talked about this scriptures in Emily's class and again in Stake Conference this weekend. Those not of our faith are often angry with us when we say we belong to the only true church. We discussed the importance of quoting this scripture correctly. We belong to the only true and living church because we receive the living water of revelation through the prophet and the apostles. Other churches have truth but they are not living because they do not receive revelation from God. The other part that was impressed upon me is the "...with which I, the Lord, am well pleased." Elder Ence went on to talk about the Woman at the Well and water that Jesus offers which is the living water. He spoke of wells that he has dug and that it is so important that there is enough water coming into the well that you don't burn the water pump out. We must fill our lives with the living water so that we don't burn out. So we can endure to the end.

Life here is crazy. I spent over fifty hours at work last week with our go-live for i-Centra. I also attended Emily's class and the temple. I find I really need these moments to feel the spirit when my life is so hectic. Hannah went to Prom last night with a group of 12 girls. They had a great time! Marissa did her hair for her. :) Hannah is singing tonight in the world wide devotional for single adults! I'm excited for her. I received an e-mail from the mission office Friday that they had received your debit card. They promised me they would get it to you this week. When you have it let me know and I will activate it. :) We're looking forward to talking with you in a week. Do you know what time you will call? We love you and pray for your success!

