Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 33

Querida Hermana Lutze,

We love you and we are so grateful for your example to us! This week has been so SLOW! Just kidding, I don't think life will ever be slow. I'll probably be going a hundred miles an hour and step right into my grave. :) I worked 40+ hours, part of our new cabinets are now installed, and Hannah graduated. Hannah had her interview with Curt and Anita on Tuesday. It went well. Hopefully, she will have another job by the end of this week. Graduation day was exciting for Hannah and Joshua. It was fun to get some pictures of them together. We had a dinner afterwards at the Millers. We ate Fred specials with salad, fruit, and chips. Michele and I, without talking to each other, both made Skor Bar cakes. They were delicious! Hannah went to Senior Night until 4 am. She said she had a great time.

Sacrament meeting was really good today! We had three great speakers. They all spoke on trials. Erica talked about how she punches her trials with the word PUNCH standing for Prayer, Understand, Never give up, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I thought that was a great acronym to use when working through our trials. Pam spoke about the power of prayer and miracles. She shared an incredible story about losing a ring and how she had looked everywhere and prayed for six months to find it. Just before moving her daughter said a prayer with her. Right after the prayer, they opened the closet and there it was... Sometimes we don't need our faith increased but someone else does... in this case her daughter. The final speaker, Aaron, talked about a cowboy that when his boss gave him a job he would say to him, "Drop and do" meaning I will drop and do whatever you ask of me. We should be this way with our Heavenly Father as well. We should drop and do whatever and whenever He asks it of us. Aaron also related to us how he sometimes wants the easy country cottage but the Lord has a mansion in store for us. However, in order to get the mansion we should expect to be involved with some remodeling-molding and shaping and that it will be painful at times. How can we expect to be among the noble and great if we are not willing to be molded and shaped? Finally, he spoke about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It is so extremely important to develop this skill and the best place to do that is on your mission. The Lord is always speaking to us but we often don't recognize it or slow down enough to listen. We must be still to know that He is God! He spoke of his ancestor that met an Indian that wanted to kill him. This ancestor, James Bevan, felt prompted to offer the Indian food. They became life long friends. What would have happened if he hadn't learned how to listen to the spirit or recognize the promptings when they came?

Love you!


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