Dear family and friends,
Wow, can I just say how blazing hot it is here!! It has been high 80s low 90s this whole week and it's just going to get hotter......:). Let's just say there is a lot of sweating and sun tanning here. However it is so funny! Everyone here wants to be whiter and everyone at home wants to be tanner. So backwards. I have to say that I am going to return home a morenita and no longer a guerita ;). The sun is so strong here. It actually burns your skin within minutes. I am so grateful that they now let us wear sombreros because it is literally saving me from skin cancer on my face. I really, really hope the rain starts soon.
Well my week:
Monday: We went to Centro to buy hats to protect us from the sun. We also went to the Museum again for Hermana Lopez. It wasn't quite as exciting as the first time but still good. The Alacranes (scorpions) are still awesome!! But now we can see that they are actually eating one another and tearing one another apart. That's nice. We found our awesome hats and some other stuff ;) You can never go shopping for just one thing!
Tuesday: Well today all of our baptismal dates fell. Baltazar, is now not sure because of his health. Carlos wants to return to Salvador and he says he will probably get baptized there. And Ignacio, well let's just say, first we have to help him overcome his past. But yah, it was a sad day. This area, I don't know why, but the baptismal dates never seem to stick. Something always seems to happen. Satan is really attacking.
Wednesday: We taught Monserat and she accepted a baptismal date!! She is amazing!! She loves the Book of Mormon and reads it every day and finds comfort and guidance in it. She also wants her husband to be baptized! I hope the whole family can be baptized!!
Thursday: We attended an awesome Capactitacion con Presidente! He talked about the Apostasy and Restoration. We also officially dropped Margarita. Really sad but true. However our last lesson was amazing. I bore my testimony to her of the truth of the church and I could literally feel the power and authority of God emanating in my testimony. I could see in her face that she could feel it was true and that my words were true. but she wouldn't accept it. It's sad but this happens often. All we can do is bear bold testimony of the truth and leave them to ponder on our words and hope that something happens in their lives that will help turn them to the gospel.
Friday: Nothing really happened.
Sabado: Normal day as well. I need to write more details of my day down in my notebook I think.
Sunday: What a crazy day to try and get our investigators to a different capilla (chapel) because it was Stake Conference. We spent 150 pesos in taxis! Crazy! But we made it. Also, we ate with a member of the Stake High Council and we taught his wife who is not a member. It was moving to see his worry for his wife and his family. He knows that this is the truth and he knows what will happen to his family if they don't join. To all the part member families, don't lose hope, don't back down. Keep trying to help your family to see the truth, to understand things from an eternal perspective. It is hard and will be a long process, but it will all be worth it to have your family united in the end.
This week I have been thinking about orgullo y chismes (pride and gossip). We have been learning about this recently in our Capacitaciones and we have found that in all parts of life problems start with pride and gossip. Really our pride is the root of all problems. When we have pride we don't listen to others, we can't take constructive criticism, we can never be wrong, and we only do things for ourselves. There are endless problems. However, if we could take away our pride there would literally be no problems. If we could put into practice more charity and less pride, everything would be so much better in our lives and for everyone else as well. We need to exercise this attribute and do what it says in Moroni 7:45. We can't be envious or puffed up. We can't see our own or be easily provoked. We need to have pure thoughts, rejoice in the Lord and in others. The more we forget ourselves, the more we don't think about our own gain or needs the more we will be filled with this charity. Pride makes the small things bigger than they really are and destroys relationships and happiness. Charity is what endureth all things. Charity is what we need if we want to live with our Heavenly Father again. I urge you to pray with all the energy of your heart for charity. Ponder what it means to pray with ALL THE ENERGY OF YOUR HEART. That is different than a normal prayer. We have to really want it and be willing to sacrifice to make it a part of us. Changing our character is not easy, it takes constant, consistent energy, but it is possible and it will be well with him who is found possessed of charity in the last days. These are the last days, we need to start now to be free of pride and filled with charity.
45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity,ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen
Well I love you all!! I hope you have a wonderful week! And instead of taking offense, reach out in love. Look for those in your ward who suffer from pride and help them. Look for the victims of pride and help and uplift them. You all have the power to lift up the hands that hang down. It just depends on you to take action. Do what the Savior expects of you in your life and gain this great gift of charity!! Love you all!
Hermana Lutze
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