Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 31

Querida Hermana Lutze,

Vida aqui todavia esta muy loco! Work is beginning to move into a slightly more controlled pace. However, there's lots of craziness at the house to make up for it. Dad continues to work on the wall to get it ready for the new cabinet. Hopefully, it will be done in the next two weeks. I bought plane tickets for Dad and myself to be at Karen's wedding at the end of June. Karen and Joseph seem like they will be a great couple! Brent was called to be a high councilman today. I told him, "You know you're being prepped to be the next Bishop." :)

Seminary graduation is today for Hannah and Natalie. Hannah is singing in the choir. We went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate her birthday and she rode the saddle! I took her out on Friday to Molly's for lunch. Delicious! We'll have to go there when you return! She had her friends over on Saturday night for dinner and a movie. They were loud and having fun until around midnight. The kids all went to the Bishop's Reward for the challenge this year. They loved staying at the Silver Crest lodge in Lamb's Canyon and then played Get Out Games the next day. I'm sure they will write you about it. Natalie was recognized for being on the high honor roll on Thursday. Jakob played his last two soccer games of the season this week. He starts tryouts next week.

I've been reading in Mormon this week and I love his plainness. Mormon 9:8 "Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things (revelations and gifts of the spirit) knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them." Then in v. 20 "And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust." v 27 "Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him. Be wise in the days of your probation..."

Hermana Lutze we must come to know Him and they way we know Him as you have discovered is by reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, attending our meetings, and serving others. We are wise when we do these things. We are one of the five wise virgins putting oil in our lamps.

We must always be wise... good, better, best... Hermana Lutze you have chosen the best part in serving a mission for the Lord.

We love you and pray for you always!



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