Dear family and friends,
I can't believe it's Monday!! It's crazy!! Time is going by way too fast! All the people I thought would never leave the mission are now going home in December! Ah! Now I'm the viejita in the mission! ;). I thought this day would never come, but it has come and faster than I ever thought it would.
Let's take a look at my week.
Monday was a great day as usual. We had a fantastic Reunion de Distrito and that is about it.
Tuesday I left my area to start my 48 hours of Intercambios! Woo hard core! ;) I went with Hermana Hernandez a Sarabia. I slept on the worst bed I've ever seen. It was like a hammock ;) Hermana Santiesteban warned me her bed was terrible, but I didn't think it would be that, bad but it was ;) She is working on changing it. It was a great intercambio!! We had some amazing miracles happen! People accepted baptismal dates and members visiting their families gave us references de oro! I hope they have so much success in their area!
Wednesday I finished my intercambio with Hermana Hernandez and we met up with our compaƱeras and with las hermanas de Alamos. Then I went with Hermana Palacios a Alamos for intercambio 2! It was so much fun to be in my old area again! We found some great people, taught them, and had a blast working together! I ate the biggest burrito I have ever seen in me life! It was more than a foot long and filled with so many wonderful guisos! Great day!
Thursday I got to say goodbye to Hermana Dobali. She is leaving Mexico to go live in Las Vegas. So I can now visit her more easily once I am in casa ;). She is an amazing person and a great example to me in so many ways! I finally returned to my area and felt like I now have no idea what is going on, but that is what companions are for-to guide you along. ;)
Friday we spent the day working on a great capacitacion to help our zone work more efficiently and to baptize every month so we can reach the baptism goal for our zone. We are working so hard to reach our goal!! We will do our part and then it is up to the missionaries to apply what we teach and suggest.
Saturday was a great day! We passed by all our investigators that we want to go to church tomorrow and they said they are going to come! Yay! We also went to the baptism of Lizeth (de los Lideres de Zona). All in all great day.
Sunday we went for our investigators and 5 of them came. Yay!!! Joseph will be baptized next week. Thomas will be baptized the first week of December! (He is our miracle!! He didn't believe in God, but now he believes in God and believes that this truly is the true church of God! Yay!!) We also have a couple of other people who could be baptize in December!! Yay!! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas! ;)
Monday Today has also been great! We cleaned the house because the Hermanas are coming to sleep over and we went to Centro! We went "Buen Fin" shopping (It's their version of black Friday in which they just raise the price a couple weeks before and drop it again so it really isn't a bargain ;) ) We bought some more stuff and ate pizza and had a blast with Yaqui, Nadia y Jenni!
This week I have been thinking a lot about the sacrament. Sometimes I wonder if we really understand the significance of the little piece of pan and the little cup of water. Sometimes we are like the child from last week who asked "What other food are they going to give?" looking at it as only food - a little refreshment in Sacrament meeting. Do we look at the Sacrament for what it really is -the great atoning sacrifice of our Lord and Savior? We are so blessed with the opportunity to have that time to remember the Savior, His great sacrifice and obedience. The bread which represents his body helps us remember that he gave His life to save us, to teach us and show us the way. Everything He did was to glorify the Father and to bring salvation unto us. The water which represents his blood was shed for us to help us remember the suffering He went through for our sins, our mistakes, our, pride, our natural man. Remember that His love was so great for each and every one of us that He was willing to give every drop of blood if it were necessary. Remember that even though He knew this would be the most agonizing thing He would ever do, He submitted to the will of the Father without complaint, without doubt, only filled with faith, hope and charity for us. Every time we participate in the Sacrament we are pushing the restart button on our lives, if we have repented of what we have done. Every week we can be better, more holy, more pure, more fit for His kingdom. As members of the church we can't take this ordinance for granted. We have to partake of it every week and PREPARE to partake of it every week. We can't make ourselves dirty saying, later I will just take the Sacrament and be clean doesn't work like that. WE have to make the changes in our lives and the Lord will erase the wrong doing in our lives. He will stand as our advocate before the Father. We have to do as Christ says and take up our cross and follow Him. Salvation is not a cheap or easy experience. It will take work, faith, diligence, and hope. But, if each week we are improving that is all the Savior asks. He wants us to use His sacrifice in our lives - to help us reach salvation.
I invite you all to think more about the great sacrifice that Christ performed for us. To really try to comprehend it and when you comprehend it that is when you will truly start to LOVE the Savior and create an everlasting relationship with Him.
I love you all so much!!
Hermana Lutze
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