Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

Rachael's Picture

Rachael's Picture

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 49

Querida Hermana Lutze,

Como estas? Estas una mama neuvamente? Quien es tu bebe? 

Everything is crazy busy here. I just got back from a 4 day trip with Papa to the Grand Canyon. We had a nice time. I was so glad Papa enjoyed it. We went to the Glen Canyon Dam and took a tour to see how it holds back all that water for Lake Powell. We went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon one day and the South Rim the next. We did some walking and lots of driving. Dad and I were the only ones it seemed that spoke English. We were surrounded by tourists from all over the world. I think I hear at least ten different languages this weekend. We drove about 1000 miles in 4 days and I drove most of it so I'm really tired. 

Hannah went to her first BYU football game... waited in line, painted her face, and had a blast even though they lost 14-17 to UCLA. She did some speed dating this past week as well. You'll have to have her tell you about...

Natalie is busy with school and now Driver's Ed. She was an 'extra' in a film produced by T. C. Christensen the same that did Cokeville Miracle. We'll see if any shots of her make it into the film... :) She had fun.

Jakob continues to play well in his soccer games and work hard in school. He scored a goal in each of his games this week. 

Dad gave a talk today which I missed. I'm sure he did a great job. He played Mr. Mom while I was gone. It sounds like we're being asked to help with Trek again. We'll know more this week or next. 

Joshua's farewell is next Sunday and Dylan leaves the MTC this week I believe. You'll have to write him and Yosh!

Papa and I attended a ward in Page AZ today. One of the speakers talked about not putting off until tomorrow what can be done today in serving others. I had the impression during the meeting to say something nice to the lady in front of us about her family but I pushed it away and thought she would think I was strange for saying something. As we walked out to the car, the Lord showed me that I had put off something I should have done and that whenever we have thoughts that are good like that they are promptings from the Holy Ghost and we should follow them. I'm going to try harder to do that.

Love you!



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