Rachael's Mission

Mexico Torreon Mission October 2015 - April 2017

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Rachael's Picture

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week 73

Querida Hermana Lutze,

Another week has flown by... I've been busy at work, in the temple, and with the kids. I went up to see Papa on Friday and stayed the night with him. Sister Crandall showed me a new app last Sunday called "Take a Name." It searches your family tree for missing ordinances. It found in about 2 hours and 20,000 names 20 people that need some or all of their temple ordinances done. How cool is that? I printed the cards last night so we can start working on them. :) I love family history! Dad decided to build additional shelves in the food storage room yesterday and he's been busy with the choir. Hannah is doing better with her depression and anxiety. I'm so grateful for the friendship she's developed with Kylie. They do so much together. She's been busy with petitions, accessibility items, and housing. Natalie and I went out for a late lunch on Friday. We enjoyed our time together. The way to her heart is through food and shopping. Jakob's been busy with basketball and soccer. He's really such a good athlete. I hope he's able to play some high school sport. He's fun to watch! I'm still working on trip details and just finished everyone's taxes. While I was up at Papa's and doing my scripture study, I was pondering what you sent last week in your e-mail regarding John 15. I had these thoughts come to my mind...

As we abide in His love we will serve those around us because of our obedience and be clean through that service and then our joy will be full!!! This is how we survive spiritually!! We survive through our service to others. The most difficult and yet rewarding times in my life were my service as a missionary and as RS president.

Substitute the word fruit with the word love and reread verses 1-11... It's awesome! The fruit is what Lehi partook of that gave him such great joy that he wanted to share it with his family! He partook of the love of God or His Atonement. Even during trials we can feel that love if we go to Him!

Last-remember that the first 5 commandments pertain to loving God and the last 5 commandments to loving our neighbor. When we are selfish we are breaking one of the ten commandments!

Two talks from last conference relate so well to these verses... President Nelson's "Joy and Spiritual Survival" and Elder Christofferson's "Abide in His Love." I hope you have time to reread these!

Te quiero!


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